Affiliate Disclosure

This website uses affiliate programs for monetization, which means when you click on links to schools that I display in my pages, fill in your information and request information from them, this can result in a commission being credited to this site. Some affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, College Explorer, College Bound Network and Education Dynamics (ELearners). To a lesser degree, I occasionally post links from Commission Junction or

While I display information on a wide variety of schools, I make a point of not recommending one over the other unless I have had some direct experience with a school. I am regularly doing research on schools and pay attention to what’s being said about them in the press. I’ve certainly taken note of the fact that for-profit schools have been criticized by the government in recent months, and have made an effort to avoid promoting schools that have been charged with any deceptive practices.

Third-Party & Sponsor Ads
Text and image ads that appear in a few places on this site are third party (Google AdSense) and sponsor ads. I don’t personally endorse the products or services advertised in these ads, and these companies are not affiliated with in any way. If you have questions about any affiliations on this website, or if you have had either a good or bad experience with a school here you feel I should know about, please do not hesitate to contact me. I appreciate your attention and your interest.

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